Friday 15 May 2015

Cosmetic Surgery/ Procedures... thoughts...

Its not that I disagree with cosmetic surgery or procedures, quite frankly each to their own (I have friends with implants that make me want to cry they look so awesome), however I cannot stand it when a women turn to plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery because they feel they are not beautiful or wish they looked differently because of what society has led them to believe.

While I understand from  personal experience that body image and how you feel about your looks and body can have a very real effect on your happiness and how you feel about yourself I just find it so sad that we are brought up in and around a society who make woman feel so ashamed of who they are, I know what its like to stand on the scale and cringe even at 50 odd kilos or to look at myself in the mirror and think ick I wish I had clearer skin or bigger eyes etc, I know Ive been there... I still go there and its terrible that today even the youngest of girls are subjected to this way of thinking.

In particular I know of one girl... to me she is gorgeous even by conventional standards- she is tall, slim with gorgeous model features and yet she has cosmetic procedures done on a fairly regular basis, they are extremely obvious and my opinion so unneeded as she already is a lovely person inside and out and I don't want to think of what she will look like one day when it all starts backfiring as it usually is her body and her choice it just makes me sad.

When I look at my body now it has taken me so many years to get to a point of truce with my body image, I may not like everything about my body but I have accepted that it is what I have and I have to look after it, I have stretchmarks from my pregnancies, lines of laughter on my face, bags under my eyes and even the odd grey hair although those at least are not too obvious given my hair colour... its ok... I have 3 gorgeous kids to show for it and 27 years on this earth... one woman I know has a wonderful technique she uses on a daily basis... everyday when she looks in the mirror she tells herself at least one thing that she is happy for about her body or appearance that day, whether its that the shirt you are wearing brings out your eye colour or that your cheeks glow beautifully in the winter cold, that your legs look kick ass in stockings or that your stretchmarks remind you of your kids... I think it is wonderful and something I have tried very hard to incorporate into my routine everyday for the last week, the first day was the hardest but everyday it has gotten a little easier and I find myself accepting my body or certain features even if by a smidge bit more....

Everyone is beautiful and everyone beholds beauty in a different manner- some describe beauty by personality or by the mind.... everyone is beautiful and someone will always think you are the most beautiful even if you do not feel the same...

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