Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Win with CrazyMommaofThree and #KidsBookClub

Our family LOVES to read and be read to; every night my kids will beg for another story and another until I cant anymore, but I love the fact that my kids enjoy reading as much as I do, honestly some of my fondest memories and times of childhood involved stories and reading, so it will come as no surprise to anyone that knows us that we have come to love the KidsBookClub subscription service so much.

Books are expensive lets face it and not everyone can afford to buy books for their little ones all the time, the library is great but every home should have a few if not many cherished books to call their own.

The KidsBookClub is a monthly subscription service that will cost you a mere R145 a month, in return you will receive 2 age appropriate books linked to your child's age and gender, that usually includes and activity and story book.

The books are delivered to your door and are enclosed in a very special book bag with a different theme every month as well as 2 magazines for mum and dad so the whole family can enjoy the service, personally i am not a magazine momma but I love passing these out to my colleagues or using them for the children's projects, magazines have also become so expensive and I think for many parents it would be a welcome treat to get them for free every month and something they wouldn't normally buy for themselves which makes it even better.

So far my kids have absolutely adored every book we have received and always ambush me when I bring the package in the door, they just cannot wait to see what is inside and then that evening before bed we all snuggle up and read the book we received, it really just makes for a great treat for them as well as me.

The activity books we have received so far have also been so great especially for my 2 older sons, when they are bored I look through them decide on an activity and bingo they are occupied with a fun filled family activity for a few hours!

Our First month was a Spring theme, the 2nd a Halloween theme and then on our 3rd month a Christmas theme.

( I chose for my 5 year old as he is the in between stage of my kids, I did this because I felt they would all be able to get enjoyment out of the subscription and thus far they have, KidsBookClub does however offer a discounted sibling fee if you want to have more than one)

So without further ado I have a months free subscription to give away to #KidsBookClub, just in time for the holidays that have started!

All you have to do is:

1:  Share this post and comment below as to where it was shared, please use the #KidsBookClub when sharing.

2. Include in the comment why you would like to win.

Competition Closes Sunday the 13th so hurry up and enter =)


  1. Shared on Facebook. I would love to win this for my son! He is 16months old and loves story time. Reading is so important for their early development.

    1. Your name is unknown can I get your name for the draw

  2. Shared on Facebook and Twitter. Would love to win because reading is the key to knowledge and the imagination

  3. REHANA SEEDAT Email: Shared via Facebook and Twitter @rehanaseedat . I would love to win this for my 2 yr old who loves reading.
