So we all know children pick up certain traits or
inherit certain traits from us as parents and they are not always a good thing-
over the weekend I noticed that all 3 of my boys are extremely sensitive to
touch texture and feeling.
I have a tactile/ sensory dysfunction or so Ive been told I am extremely
sensitive to taste and texture as well as smell and touch for instance I cannot
eat any of the follow foods in their natural state: squash, butternut, sweet
potato anything with that texture although I love butternut soup so its not the
taste the texture just makes me gag and its been that way since childhood- I
also wont eat my food if its touched anything I don't eat or if my foods mix I
hate it, I just wont eat it end of story.
I also cant stand the smell of vanilla or cinnamon
ick the smell actually makes me want to throw up and I am extremely sensitive
to touch hence why I don't like to cuddle etc I love being tickled on my back
by my partner its amazing but I am extremely ticklish so I prefer just not to
be touched by people in general and there are many times as I have said before where I will actually push my partner away because I just dont want to be touched or held at all at that point in time.
Loghan is extremely sensitive to touch when he is upset or angry don't touch him at all, Gabriel to
texture he loves anything silky hence why he used to drag my silk nighties
through the house and sleep with them. Over the weekend I also noticed that
Jesse gags extremely easily with certain foods no matter if they are mushed up all not which I found very interesting
so I was doing some research and came across the following checklist- now none
of us have Aspergers or anything on that line but I just found the following
checklist very interesting:
Adolecent / Adult Sensory Processing Disorder Checklist
__ __ bothered by clothes; certain materials, tags, seams, pantyhose, ties, belts, turtlenecks, have to wear shorts, skirts, or pants exclusively, etc.
__ __ bothered by clothes; certain materials, tags, seams, pantyhose, ties, belts, turtlenecks, have to wear shorts, skirts, or pants exclusively, etc.
__ __
bothered by "light touch"; someone lightly touching/rubbing your hand,
face, leg or back
__ __
excessively ticklish
__ __
distressed by others touching you; would rather be the "toucher" than
the "touchee", difficulty "snuggling" with your
__ __
have to fidget and "fiddle" with things all the time; change in your
pocket, your keys, a pen/pencil, paper clip, rubber band, ANYTHING within reach
__ __
often touching and twisting your own hair
__ __
very sensitive to pain, especially as compared to others
__ __
don't seem to notice pain; get shots/cuts/bruises and hardly feel a thing
__ __
dislike the feeling of showers or getting splashed
__ __
difficulty going to the beach; the sand blowing on your skin or getting on your
__ __
avoid touching anything "messy"; if you do, you have to go wash your
hands right away and/or only touch it with your fingertips
__ __ can
not wear new or "stiff" clothes that have not been washed or soaked
in fabric softener
__ __
hate to be barefoot or hate to wear shoes and/or socks
__ __
frequently get car sick, air sick, motion sick
__ __ a
thrill seeker; loves fast and/or dangerous rides, leisure activities, and
__ __
difficulty riding on elevators, escalators, or moving sidewalks
__ __
avoid amusement park rides that spin or go upside down
__ __
seek out fast, spinning, and/or upside down carnival rides
__ __
will often rock or sway body back and forth while seated or standing still
__ __
frequently tips chair on back two legs
__ __
restless when sitting through a lecture, presentation, or movie
__ __
constantly chews on ends of pens and pencils
__ __
smokes cigarettes
__ __
difficulty eating foods with mixed textures, or one particular texture
__ __
prefer foods with very strong tastes and flavors
__ __
prefer very bland foods, dislike anything spicy
__ __ has
a diagnosed eating disorder or has major eating "sensitivities"
__ __
constantly biting nails or fingers
__ __
bites lips or inside of cheeks
__ __
frequently shake your leg while sitting or falling asleep
__ __
love to sleep with multiple or heavy blankets on top of you
__ __
seek out crashing and "squishing" activities
__ __
cracks knuckles often
__ __
loves crunchy foods (popcorn, carrots, chips, nuts, pretzels, etc.)
__ __
frequently have gum or hard candy in your mouth
__ __ has
an "endless" supply of air fresheners, scented candles, odor masking
sprays, etc.
__ __
becomes nauseated or gags from certain cooking, cleaning, perfume, public
restroom, or bodily odors
__ __
identifies objects by smell, have to smell everything, judge whether you like
something or someone by smell
__ __
becomes overstimulated / overaroused when people come to the house or in
crowded places
__ __
very high or very low energy level
__ __
avoids crowds and plans errands at times when there will be fewer people
__ __
overly exited/aroused in group settings
__ __
hides or disappears when guests come over
__ __
substance abuse
__ __
drinks excessive amounts of coffee or caffeinated beverages
__ __
notice and bothered by noises other people do not seem bothered by... clocks,
refrigerators, fans, people talking, outdoor construction, etc.
__ __
sensitive to loud sounds or commotion
__ __
easily distracted by auditory or visual stimuli
__ __ can
not attend certain public events or places due to excessive noise
Sensory Discrimination:
__ __ can't identify objects by feel if your eyes are closed
Sensory Discrimination:
__ __ can't identify objects by feel if your eyes are closed
__ __
difficulty finding things in your purse or pocket without looking
__ __
don't seem to notice if your hands or face are dirty
__ __
bothered by hands or face being dirty
__ __
loves to touch and be touched, has to touch everything
__ __
have a hard time feeling where a bug has bitten you or whether you are being
__ __
difficulty heating food to the correct temperature, feeling if it is too hot or
too cold
__ __
difficulty locating items in a cupboard, drawer, in your closet, or on a
grocery shelf
__ __
difficulty with recognizing/interpreting/following traffic signs
__ __
difficulty judging distances about where your car is in relation to other cars,
in parking spaces, or near a curb (fail miserably at parallel parking!!)
__ __
difficulty merging into oncoming traffic on road, rotary, or highway
__ __ get
disoriented and/or lost easily in stores, buildings, hiking, etc.
__ __
can't sleep if room isn't completely dark
__ __
fearful of heights
__ __
difficulty concentrating on or watching a movie/tv show when there is
background noise or distractions
__ __
difficulty remembering or understanding what is said to you
__ __
difficulty following directions if given two or three at one time
__ __ can
not complete concentrated tasks if noises present
__ __
sensitive, or over reacts, to sirens, dogs barking, vaccuum cleaners, blenders,
or other sudden/loud sounds
__ __
talks too loud or too soft
__ __
lethargic, hard to get going, appears "lazy" and unmotivated
__ __
become engrossed in one single activity for a long time and seems to tune out
the rest of their environment
__ __
spend hours at a time on fantasy or video games and activities
__ __
great difficulty settling body down for sleep or waking up in the morning (did
you even hear the alarm that has been going off for 15 minutes?)
__ __ has
difficulty licking an ice cream cone neatly
__ __
difficulty with speech and annunciation
__ __
bumps into things frequently
__ __
often pushes too hard on objects, accidentally breaking them
__ __
difficulty judging how much pressure to apply when doing tasks or picking
something up
__ __
difficulty identifying which key on your ring belongs to what
__ __
numbers and letters often reversed or backwards
__ __
difficulty telling time on an analogue clock
__ __
difficulty reading and understanding a map, bus schedule, directions
__ __
difficulty organizing and grouping things by categories, similarities, and/or
__ __
can't seem to find words in word search puzzles
__ __
unable to identify foods that have gone bad by smell
__ __
difficulty being able to smell dangerous smells, i.e., smoke, noxious/hazardous
__ __
difficulty being able to smell when something is burning on the stove or in the
__ __
difficulty distinguishing different tastes and/or flavors of food and/or drink
Sensory-Based Motor Skills:
__ __ difficulty learning to ride a bike or other "moving" equipment
Sensory-Based Motor Skills:
__ __ difficulty learning to ride a bike or other "moving" equipment
__ __
clumsy, uncoordinated, and accident prone
__ __
difficulty walking on uneven surfaces
__ __
difficulty with fine motor tasks such as buttoning, zipping, tying, knitting,
sewing, playing games with small parts, closing zip loc bags
__ __
confuses right and left sides
__ __
prefers sedentary tasks, avoiding sports or physical activities
__ __
difficulty with handwriting; hard to read, takes a long time to write
__ __
frequently bumps into people and things
__ __
easily fatigued with physical tasks
__ __
frequently misses when putting objects on a table
__ __
messy eater, difficulty with eating utensils, spills and drops food
__ __
knocks drinks or other things over when reaching for them
__ __
frequently drops items
__ __ has
to talk self through tasks
__ __
hums or vocalizes while concentrating on a task
__ __
significant difficulty learning to tie a tie
__ __
difficulty with motor tasks requiring several steps
__ __
difficulty lining up numbers correctly for math problems and/or balancing a
__ __
difficulty learning new motor tasks...a new dance, sport or exercise activity,
how to drive
__ __
lose balance frequently
__ __
significant difficulty learning to type the "proper" way
Social / Emotional:
__ __ dislikes changes in plans or routines, needs structure
Social / Emotional:
__ __ dislikes changes in plans or routines, needs structure
__ __ may
be described as "stubborn", "defiant", or
__ __
cries easily, over things others usually don't, very "emotional" and
__ __
can't seem to finish anything
__ __
difficulty making decisions
__ __
rigid and controlling
__ __
prefers solitary activities, avoids groups
__ __
impatient and/or impulsive
__ __
difficulty with social cues and non verbal language
__ __
difficulty with authority figures
__ __
trouble relating to and socializing with peers and colleagues
__ __ a
"sore loser"
__ __
strong feelings of anger or rage
__ __
easily frustrated
__ __
needs sameness and routines; needs to know what to expect
__ __
have panic or anxiety attacks
__ __
plagued by fears and/or phobias
__ __
OCD-type qualities; can't let foods touch each other on your plate, have to
wear clothes a certain way, will only do ____, repetitively does ____, can not
do _____ without doing _____, has to have ____ like ____
__ __
distractible and unorganized
__ __
hates surprises
__ __
difficulty seeking out and maintaining relationships
__ __
avoids eye contact
Internal Regulation:
__ __ difficulty falling asleep or getting on a sleep schedule
Internal Regulation:
__ __ difficulty falling asleep or getting on a sleep schedule
__ __
heart rate speeds up, and won't slow down when at rest, or won't speed up for
tasks that require a higher heart rate
__ __
respiration too fast or slow for the appropriate state of arousal
__ __
over or under sensitivity to bowel and bladder sensations
__ __
over or under sensitivity to the sensation of hunger/appetite
__ __
irregular, inconsistent bowel, bladder and appetite sensations
__ __
difficulty with temperature regulation of body
also got the following information and checklist from
The Somatosensory System or Tactile System,
includes multiple types of sensation from the body – light touch, pain,
pressure, temperature, and joint and muscle position sense (also called
proprioception). However, these modalities are lumped into three different
pathways in the spinal cord and have different targets in the brain. The first
modality is called discriminative touch, which includes touch, pressure,
and vibration perception, and enables us to “read” raised letters with our
fingertips, or describe the shape and texture of an object without seeing it.
The second grouping is pain and temperature, which is just what it
sounds like, and also includes the sensations of itch and tickle. The third
modality is called proprioception, and includes receptors for what
happens below the body surface: muscle stretch, joint position, tendon tension,
etc. This modality primarily targets the cerebellum which needs
minute-by-minute feedback on what the muscles are doing.
The central nervous systems ability to process
tactile sensory input is distorted in the child with SPD and causes the child
great discomfort. Their brain may register even the most subtle sensations as
extreme irritation or even painful and he may respond in an abnormally reactive
way such as grimacing or pulling away from the stimulus.
The central nervous system must rely on five
sensory nerve receptors in the skin to keep it informed about its environment.
These receptors are; light touch (surface), pressure (deep), temperature (hot
& cold) and pain. It is quite possible for one type of receptor to be
sensitive and the other normalized. This explains why he may tolerate light
touches, but dislike firm hugs; or hate tags and hair cuts.
The tactile defensive individual who experiences
this extreme sensory registration can have great distress in daily living. This
discomfort may be compared to the experience of trimming your fingernails too
close.The raw sensation experienced by nerves that are no longer protected by
the fingernail can be very irritating. This is similar to the way that a person
with extreme touch sensitivity may experience sensations, except for two
important differences. First, in the case of the person who just clipped their
nails, the discomfort comes because the nerves that have been sheltered are now
exposed making the person acutely aware of sensations he does not ordinarily
feel. The nerve function is normal, but the experience is abnormal. For a
person who is overly sensitive to touch the experiences are normal and the
nerve function is abnormal. Second, the person who has clipped his nails will
soon become accustomed to the sensation, while the person with the over
sensitive system does not accommodate to the sensations no matter how much
exposure he has. Because of this he may feel bombarded by dozens of unpleasant
sensory experiences on a daily basis.
This child may be constantly aware of the clothes
on his body to the point of distraction. He may be unable to concentrate on
school work because his filtering system is not screening out the feel of the
hard chair, the bumps on the pencil, the sharp edges of the paper, the air
current blowing through the room, etc.This child may dread art projects that
include finger-painting, glue and clay.
This child might want to dress from head to toe in
soft sweat clothes, even in hot weather, as this prevents his skin from being
exposed to tactile stimulation and decrease the sensory invasion of his nervous
system. The slightest accidental bump from another person may feel like a
threat and he may lash out in defense. It may appear that he is impulsive,
hitting others, but no one understands that he is fighting against the
perceived raid of his space as interpreted by his brain.
He may dislike group games like tag or dodge ball,
or holding hands with a partner can be agonizing.He may be afraid of the
possibility of being touched by another child. He may want to stand apart from
others to prevent being bumped and this prevents him from being able to
interact with friends in a normal way.
Adults who experience this type of hypersensitivity
may have problems in their relationships. Even when appropriate, they still
might not want to hug or hold hands with their partners. Normal daily physical
contact may cause annoyance and aversion. Wanting to only talk and not touch
physically can negatively impact adult relationships. Surprise touches,
especially when approached from behind, can cause distress and the person may
respond with a punch. The adult who has these problems probably does not intend
to be withholding or withdrawn, but this is the only way his nervous system can
handle personal interactions.
The individual who is tactile defensive may also
experience other problems such as coordination problems, speech and language
delays, gets dizzy easy, easily confused, overwhelmed, experience hand-eye
coordination difficulties, and motor planning issues.
__ becomes fearful, anxious or aggressive with
light or unexpected touch
__ as an infant, did/does not like to be held or
cuddled; may arch back, cry, and pull away
__ distressed when diaper is being, or needs to be,
__ appears fearful of, or avoids standing in close
proximity to other people or peers (especially in lines)
__ becomes frightened when touched from behind or
by someone/something they can not see (such as under a blanket)
__ complains about having hair brushed; may be very
picky about using a particular brush
__ bothered by rough bed sheets (i.e., if old and
__ avoids group situations for fear of the
unexpected touch
__ resists friendly or affectionate touch from
anyone besides parents or siblings (and sometimes them too!)
__ dislikes kisses, will “wipe off” place where
__ prefers hugs
__ a raindrop, water from the shower, or wind
blowing on the skin may feel like torture and produce adverse and avoidance
__ may overreact to minor cuts, scrapes, and or bug
__ avoids touching certain textures of material
(blankets, rugs, stuffed animals)
__ refuses to wear new or stiff clothes, clothes
with rough textures, turtlenecks, jeans, hats, or belts, etc.
__ avoids using hands for play
__ avoids/dislikes/aversive to “messy play”, i.e.,
sand, mud, water, glue, glitter, playdoh, slime, shaving cream/funny foam etc.
__ will be distressed by dirty hands and want to
wipe or wash them frequently
__ excessively ticklish
__ distressed by seams in socks and may refuse to
wear them
__ distressed by clothes rubbing on skin; may want
to wear shorts and short sleeves year round, toddlers may prefer to be naked
and pull diapers and clothes off constantly
__ or, may want to wear long sleeve shirts and long
pants year round to avoid having skin exposed
__ distressed about having face washed
__ distressed about having hair, toenails, or
fingernails cut
__ resists brushing teeth and is extremely fearful
of the dentist
__ is a picky eater, only eating certain tastes and
textures; mixed textures tend to be avoided as well as hot or cold foods;
resists trying new foods
__ may refuse to walk barefoot on grass or sand
__ may walk on toes only
2. HYPOSENSITIVITY TO TOUCH (under-responsive):
__ may crave touch, needs to touch everything and
__ is not aware of being touched/bumped unless done
with extreme force or intensity
__ is not bothered by injuries, like cuts and
bruises, and shows no distress with shots (may even say they love getting
__ may not be aware that hands or face are dirty or
feel his/her nose running
__ may be self-abusive; pinching, biting, or
banging his own head
__ mouths objects excessively
__ frequently hurts other children or pets while
__ repeatedly touches surfaces or objects that are
soothing (i.e., blanket)
__ seeks out surfaces and textures that provide
strong tactile feedback
__ thoroughly enjoys and seeks out messy play
__ craves vibrating or strong sensory input
__ has a preference and craving for excessively
spicy, sweet, sour, or salty foods
__ has difficulty with fine motor tasks such as
buttoning, zipping, and fastening clothes
__ may not be able to identify which part of their
body was touched if they were not looking
__ may be afraid of the dark
__ may be a messy dresser; looks disheveled, does
not notice pants are twisted, shirt is half untucked, shoes are untied, one pant
leg is up and one is down, etc.
__ has difficulty using scissors, crayons, or
__ continues to mouth objects to explore them even
after age two
__ has difficulty figuring out physical
characteristics of objects; shape, size, texture, temperature, weight, etc.
__ may not be able to identify objects by feel,
uses vision to help; such as, reaching into backpack or desk to retrieve an
I checked
more of these boxes than unchecked, I think this is a very handy checklist to
have to if you think you or your child may be experiencing a sensory disorder,
for the most part even though people find my behavior incredibly strange
everyone close to me has learnt to deal with it and is understanding of why I
literally gril when touched unexpectedly or why I look green when certain foods
are put in front of me- they know I'm not rude when I decline certain meals or
if I burn incense to get rid of a smell they are wearing or even why I
sometimes get so overwhelmed with people or sounds I have a total tantrum freak
out in public I try hard to ignore it but I cant.
some of the things listed above will help you or your child, its not an easy
road when people don't understand, if you think you or your child has a sensory
problem or dysfunction and you struggle to live with it on a daily basis
contact a psychiatrist or doctor for an evaluation or advice if you fit some of
the criteria above it does not necessarily mean you have a sensory issue but if
you do struggle day to day you may well have.
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