Monday 16 May 2016

Insomnia Sucks like stinky cheese

As a teenager I went through periods of insomnia they would last days sometimes months, I would get by on an hour or two’s sleep sometimes none but hey it was cool I was at an age where it served as more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

Then I became a parent and sleep oh how beautiful it became, to have a full night’s sleep was like a birthday gift come early and I have reached the point where I not only appreciate a full night’s sleep but I look forward to it and am a right royal cow without it!

So you can only imagine my distaste and disgust when insomnia decided to rear its ugly head in my direction once again, to be blunt it sucks, it is an unwelcome guest I so desperately want to get rid of I was willing to forgo coffee to alleviate it, yes you heard me right the oh so holy grail of parenthood COFFEE, did it work no sir it did not, I tried chamomile going to bed later, a warm relaxing bath but nothing until the doctor handed me a script for sleeping tabs and I slept like a baby for the better part of this last month.

Unfortunately I haven’t gone to get my new batch because everyone keeps telling me I will become dependent on them and just need to stress less and relax and sleep will come, evil horrible people I cannot explain the thoughts that went through my head as I lay awake for the past 2 days trying in vain to get to sleep… murderous does not even begin to describe.

Listening to hubby snore away beside me… argh!

I stood in the pharmacy on Saturday looking at the numerous natural sleep aids too many of them to count and in that state I just felt so gatvol, but I will be doing some research this week into ones that work the best and will be trying that route asap, I used melatonin previously but you can no longer get that off the shelf, till then I will simply have to will this unwelcome guest away and hope for a bit of a reprieve, just an hour or two is that too much to ask in exchange for all the sleepless nights I have had as a parent, clearly mother nature has herself a weird sense of humor, sigh.
Have a great Monday everyone!

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