Thursday 25 February 2016

Its been a bad week

I've been feeling really down this week, something happened last week within our family that sent us absolutely reeling and me into a state of questioning every decision I have ever made as a mother from pregnancy up until now.

As a parent you send your child out into the care of others believing they will be safe not come to any harm emotionally, physically and so forth and then something happens to them and you just feel that your child is not safe wherever they go and that you just want to put them in a protective bubble or lock them away from the outside world, we were so angry and hurt especially for who it involved and I struggled so much and still am struggling to come to terms with it as a mother even though the truth is the problem we faced is one that is becoming an everyday occurrence in our society... it sickens me, it hurts, I'm scared I want to leave this country move to an island where all I have to know is how to trade coconuts and ride a bike..

What happened, happened there is nothing I can do to rewind time and I am pain every time I look into their eyes and know that despite our best efforts what happened still happened.

We are making headway, last week was utter chaos but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I am holding on for dear life because I have to believe that this will at some point become an ugly distant memory and that we as a family can pull through better, stronger and wiser.

I urge all the moms out there please hug your babies tight tonight because their innocence is the hope we need to pull through


  1. Hi Chastin, I really enjoy reading your blogs as its great to be able to relate to quite alot of things us as moms have to go through while raising kids. My daughter was in a creche where something happened and told me. When i had a meeting the next day, the school insinuated that children often make stories up. I was livid as my child of that age has never been subjected to anything like it and that was the first time. On my way home after that pointless meeting, my daughter asked me what they had said and i was honest with her. They did not believe her. Ruby actually burst into tears and said "mommy I'm not lying". I assured her that I believe her with all my heart and she must always tell me what happens and never be afraid to. I moved her to another school thereafter. All I can say is that its not always easy but when your children have their full trust in you it builds a wonderful bond. I wish that they never have to EVER be hurt in any way, its terrible to to go through. But we sadly cannot prevent it as it happens when least expected. But all we can do is be there for them and do our best :-)And keep a bottle of wine in fridge! :-)

  2. Plenty of wine is the key, thank you for the kind words
