Wednesday 2 December 2015

Justice For Vylette- ALWAYS in our hearts

I know I have done this post before but every year that passes this sweet baby girl becomes more and more ingrained in my heart as does her mum Jackie and her struggle to obtain the Justice her sweet baby girl deserves.

For anyone unfamiliar to Vylettes Story I will explain…

Vylette moon came into this world on the 28th of November 2011, over the Thanks Giving weekend in The USA.

Jackie was a doting mum to be she was healthy and her pregnancy progressed smoothly and without any issues so essentially everything should have gone perfectly and Jackie should have been able to take her sweet baby girl home… sadly this was not the case.

As I said before this occurred over the Thanksgiving weekend and so after hours of heavy and pro longed labouring without any assistance or help from the midwives she paid an entrusted her birth too she made the choice to go into hospital and leave the idea of her perfectly envisioned spiritual home birth behind.

She arrived at the hospital fully dilated and when they broke her waters merconium was discovered… when Vylette finally came into the world she was stiff and cry and was taken away before Jackie got to see and hold her.  When Jackie finally saw her the site was something which a mother should never have to see, her sweet baby girl lying on a cooling table surrounded by machines, after three days she had no brain activity and was declared brain dead, Jackie was faced with a decision no parent should have to make to turn the machines that were keeping her sweet perfect girl alive off and let her go.


Jackie only got to hold her baby girl skin to skin and free from all the machines the day she let her go.
I cannot imagine having to go through this and even after 4 years I still feel such anger on her behalf and an immense sadness for her loss.


Her sweet Vylette was perfection and she should have and would have lived had the midwives done their jobs and seen to Jackie as they were responsible to do so instead they enjoyed thanksgiving while the woman who trusted them lost her child, I honestly don’t know how these woman live with themselves and why they are still practising.


Jackie continues to fight for Justice for Vylette and I am asking everyone to please share her story look at the pictures of her and her Vylette and help by spreading her story, every person who sees this story and sends it on to another not only helps to keep the memory of Vylette alive but also helps bring attention to the failure and disgusting malpractice performed by these midwives.

There are so many days when I wish I could meet Jackie in person she is so strong and amazing and her love for her baby girl will resonate throughout time and Vylettes memory will never die with all the people whose hearts she has touched!



  1. This is beyond heart breaking. As a mother who has a lost a baby at birth, I empathise with her. Those midwives need to loose their practicing licenses and face malpractice prosecution :(

  2. They do it is just astonishing that they still have the Gaul to practice
