Hellooooooooooooo out there... it seems like forever since I've blogged its been really crazy lately it is that time of year, non stop school events and its been crazy at work since everyone will be going on leave within the next week or so, I cannot wait to go on leave I am literally counting down the days but anyhoo I thought I would just give a quick review of the past week.
On Friday Gabriel took party packs into school with him since his birthday is next week and the school will already be closed we decided he would take his goodies in on the last Friday of the term and he was incredibly excited, we couldn't afford much this year but managed to put together some Big Hero 6 party packs with Baymax cookies that my sister in law made up for us and they were AWESOME!!!
Baymax cookies were so amazing! |
Gabriel and his birthday twin- so proud |
Yesterday was my 28th birthday, yes one step closer to 30, honestly my birthday and I have a hate hate relationship I try not to acknowledge it as far as I can but for the most part I just love spending the day with my family. Hubby woke me up with breakfast in bed which of course had to be shared with the monkeys but that was fine by me and made it even more special, other than that I took Gabriel to choose his birthday gifts and then my mum took me to lunch where I had the best wrap I have ever tasted in my life.... seriously I just about died from tasty goodness!!!
Naughty monkey sharing my breakfast |
One of Gabriel's gifts |
Today we just spent the day at home, I got the boys some plain Christmas baubles to decorate which they thoroughly enjoyed they also put together their Christmas lists and we finished off their teachers gifts, I wish I had taken photos of the gifts, we made truffles which I got the idea for off another blog and I am so upset because I cannot find the source to credit the mum who did it originally, the truffles were so simple and easy and the kids made them with very little help from me, I'm sure their teachers are going to love them.
That's about it, I wanted to have a calm weekend because I know from next weekend on wards things are just going to be crazy, being a blended family especially at Christmas time can be crazy and complicated as the boys go back and forth between us and you want to see all the family etc, we don't celebrate Christmas but the kids do and the majority of our family members do so we try to get a visit in all around. Usually my Christmas enthusiasm extends as far as grudgingly bringing the Christmas tree out after much pleading from the kids then stashing it in their room where they can bask in its glory but where we don't have to have it around and then frustratingly running out in the mad rush to find presents a few days before cussing and having anxiety attacks of note from the amounts of people and so little personal space that is the shopping mall at Christmas....seriously when Gabriel was a newborn I hid in the changing room for several hours because I couldn't handle it... ya I guess I am a bit of a scrooge but this year I am trying really hard to keep focused on making the kids Christmas exciting and enjoyable... hence the arts and craft etc and so far it has actually been a lot of fun.... its weird for me I don't know with an Athiest mom myself Christmas has just never been a big thing for me so its difficult for me especially since my hubby and I both are not Christian, but we are trying for the kids, I want them to have awesome memories of family time and to look back and know we did it for them and they enjoyed it.
Loghan's artistic pieces |
Gabriel's works of art... with help |
Jesse's abstract expressionistic contributions
This activity was very inexpensive and the kids had so much fun if you are looking for an activity to do with the kids whilst on holiday.
Finally we had a monumental first milestone in our home this evening, Jess had his first hair cut!!!!! His hair was just getting so long, people kept mistaking him for a girl and it was irritating him so that was that it was time and he looks too cute for words.
Monkey's first hair cut |
It has been a lovely weekend and I am so happy I only have one week left till my monkeys birthday and when I start leave!!!!!
Love ur party packs and great idea with the Christmas decorations def something iam gonna do with my daughter
ReplyDeleteThank you they were simple but the kids LOVED them, the xmas decorations are so simple and just a wonderful way to personalize the tree and keep the kids busy for a while, I plan to do this every year and then keep all the decorations to show them as they get older =)