Wednesday 21 January 2015

So Proud- 1st day of school

So its official the kids are back of school as of yesterday and as always it was bittersweet and this time I had to do it with not only Loghan but Gabriel as well…. That’s right I now have one monkey in Grade R and another in Grade 2 and I am so incredibly proud.



It was however as I said bittersweet its never a nice feeling when you look at your children and wonder to yourself where the years have gone how its seems like only yesterday they were these tiny babies totally dependent on you and within a blink of an eye they have grown into feisty independent children who are going off to start their own adventures in the world.

That aside I was so incredibly proud to stand there yesterday and think these are my children MINE and they are awesome, they are everything I want them to be and more and they teach me something new everyday just like they are taught by their teachers they are also our teachers and are there to give us lessons in so many things, lessons of patience, compassion and love, a lesson that you could or will never love another human being like you do your children and that even though things may sometimes cause bumps in the road you will never know any other greater pride than when you look at them and know that they are yours.

I am so proud of you two- Loghan and Gabriel I hope one day that you will read this and that I never gave you any cause or reason to ever doubt for a second that you two as well as Jesse are my pride and joy you are my life and I have never been more proud than as I stand here today and know that I am your mother and I am so blessed to have been given this life with you!

My Big Boy so Proud!!!

So Excited for his 1st day

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