Wednesday 14 March 2018

Keeping #Momlife simple with Smart Toy Club

As a mom of three I have seen my lions share of toy collections and I am always having to sort through them in an attempt to simplify what we have and how much we have, having amassed quite a bit over the years and having kids who for the love of the earth seem to amass a sentimental connection to every mini fig and block that enters our home even if said toy is falling to pieces and they haven't touched it in years.

I don't know about everyone else but I also seem to sit with the problem of what to buy at birthday or xmas time for younger kids I always seem to forget what my previous kiddos went through at the same age or the tastes change with the available tech and I end up buying something that doesn't get played with our something that outweighs its use rather quickly which when you take into account the price of toys these days can be incredibly frustrating.

So when we received our first Smart Toy Club bag I was really interested to see what my youngest who is 4 would think of the concept.

So if you are wondering Smart toy club is a monthly toy rental subscription service for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.
Every month get a comprehensive selection of age appropriate toys. Keep the bag for 4 weeks and just as your child starts needing fresh stimulation, exchange for a new bag of toys!

Each toy bag will contain R700’s worth of toys, on average. You will get a varied selection, chosen by the Smart Toy Club moms and can expect between 4 and 6 toys each month depending on the retail value of the toys in your bag. You will not get the same toy more than once, unless you specifically request it and the cost?

If you collect, it's R249/month. If we deliver, it's R299/month for Western Cape, and R349/month for national (standard courier conditions apply, available between work hours). 

The concept really intrigued me but I wont lie and say I didn't worry about the fact that the toys are rented and therefore do the rounds between kiddos but I was reassured that the toys would arrive sterilized and in good condition.

Our bag arrived and I was really happy guys the toys were of good quality and clean and I definitely thought they would peak my sons interest so here is what we received and how it went... I may have gone overboard on the pics a bit but they were just too cute not to share.

Can you even with the amount of excitement on this child's face, he was so happy to get his very own delivery!

The toys come delivered in a canvas bag which I really liked because I could keep everything together which helped ensure nothing ended up lost in the madness that we have going on at home, I was of course assured by the Smart Toy Club website FAQ Page that breakages rarely happen but with my wild ones you can never be sure, if something does break you will unfortunately need to replace it but having said that I don't see that happening with the types of toys that were sent and their quality.

The first toy we received was the  Leap Frog - Word Whammer, Leap frog products are one of my favorites so I was really hoping Jess would get a lot of play out of this one, I have to say in hindsight it may have been a bit on the upper end of his comprehension which surprised me considering the level of games he plays but he did thoroughly enjoy it and I loved that it actually taught him something unlike some of the games he plays on his tablet or the xbox.

The next toy was the Wooden Snail Bead Tracer, which was very cute and involved the moving of magnetized  and differently colored pieces through the maze of the snails shell, Jesse really enjoyed playing with this one.

The 3rd item was a book entitled Lets Be Patient which is something I can appreciate with 3 very impatient boys in the house, story time is something we can all enjoy as a family so I thought this was a really nice addition to our bag.

Last but certainly not least was Jesse's favorite item in the bag the Little Tikes PopTunes Trumpet, this is something I think he would play with for hours, Jesse absolutely adores music and was very chuffed marching himself around like a little master with his very own trumpet.

All in all I was very impressed with our first delivery and I am looking forward to the next one, I think it is a great way to receive toy options you maybe wouldn't think to look at yourself or be able to afford and it helps keep toy storage down to a minimum whilst still keeping your child entertained and happy... win win I say.

I would like to say a big thank you to Smart Toy Club for offering this subscription to us and I really look forward to the next deliveries and what they have to offer.

If you would like to find out more Smart Toy Club also has a Facebook and Twitter page, all the information you need is available there as well as on their Facebook page.


  1. Replies
    1. It really is, we just received our second round of goodies and my little one was beyond excited
