Wednesday 4 January 2017

Hello 2017

Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful break and spent some well deserved time with your families.

Our new years was quietly spent on the couch with movies and chocolates whilst the fire works went off on the beach front and the kiddos were all upstairs sound asleep.

New years day was spent at home as I could hardly walk due to my stupidity of not lathering my skin with sun block during our trip on saturday and then Monday a friend of mine and I took our kiddos well Loghan and her son off to Bugz for the day which was really lovely, I had been there once before when Gabriels father hosted his party there some time ago but it really is a lovely place to spend a day and entertain (tire out) your kidlets.
After that it was a quiet afternoon at home and then the boys were collected by their dad for the remainder of the holidays, its so quiet at home and I am not used to leaving things in one place and them being there when I come back later hahaha, Jesse contracted a tummy bug as well so he has been poorly over the last 48 hours but thankfully it seems to have passed as he slept through last night without any puking incidents and in his own bed to boot.

I am so looking forward to getting the kids back into their rutines and back into school, they are far more setlled and everyone is far less on edge, we dont have a big home and everyone can get under each others feet pretty quickly when you are at home together for a month all day every day.

I have high hopes for this year guys, it is not going to be easy especially the first few months but I am really looking up and looking forward.

Again I hope everyone had an awesome start to their year and I'll chat again soon!

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