Hi Everyone, today's post is going to be a guest post take on Veggie Gardening, we have actually just started a veggie garden ourselves and I have found it very helpful to read tips and trips from other people who have just started out, so I asked the lovely Taryn Gunn to step in and give me/ us some advice for anyone else looking to create their own veggie happy space.
Let's face it veggies and fruit and being healthy is so expensive these days especially if you have several kids, so for us the thought of a veggie garden of our own was very appealing and sounded like a great learning experience for us and our kids, anyway let me not ramble on, you can find Taryn and plenty more awesome foodie/ parenting/ life posts at TeaEats, I really do love these collaborations and have really enjoyed reading and sharing this space with her....
Every now and again, as a blogger, we connect with other bloggers and collaborate. It has been my honour to collaborate with Chastin before and again today. Thank you Chastin for this wonderful opportunity.
Chastin has asked me to write a little about my veggie garden. As an introduction to this topic, Husby and I started this veggie garden project in April this year. We saw it as a project that could yield many benefits - the obvious one being financial as soon we would literally be eating the fruits of our labour. But it was more than this to us. To us it was a project to do together and help strengthen our bond. It was a project that would stretch us as we studied and learnt what we needed to know to grow the veggies we wanted to grow. And it benefits the kids as they get their hands in the dirt planting seeds and then having the task of taking care of the plants by watering them daily and adding the epsom salts and crushed egg shells to the garden boxes.At the moment we have planted in the boxes beetroot, onions, carrots, celery, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, strawberries, avocado, potatoes, parsley and butternut. We are not eating all of this but it is all growing at a steady pace and I would like to bet my bottom dollar that veggie gardening requires patience in abundance.
Our beetroot and onion plants have started flowering - which apparently is a bad thing as the plant sends all its energy to the flower so that the plant can reproduce itself and it stops sending its energy to the vegetable. This results in smaller crop and less sweeter tasting crop. For now we are happy these are flowering as we hope to create more plants from these seeds and flowers and hopefully next harvest season are able to reap much.
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