Thursday 2 June 2016

A long extended version of a day in my household... yes its long

Every morning my alarm sounds at the sparrows fart time of 5:30am, every morning I switch it of whilst allowing myself 15 minutes of absolute silence… well somewhat if you don’t count the snoring coming from all 3 rooms, I think about the day ahead and maybe contemplate supper that evening but when 5:45 hits I’m up.

I wander through to Gabriel’s room, I call out to him several times, I pull the blankets off him he moans and grabs them back, I pull them off again, I tickle him I call him again and eventually once I threaten the possibility of no breakfast or pre-school playtime he will slowly sit up yawn stretch and moan then grab his clothes ever so not impressed and start to get ready.

I then go on over to Loghan’s room after grabbing Jesses clothes out the cupboard and the process repeats itself all over again however Loghan is a lot better at getting up than Gabriel is I then go back to Gabriel’s room help make the bed and tidy… who am I kidding I tidy whilst he sloths around and then runs for a spot in our bed whilst I call after that he needs to brush his teeth.

By the time I get to Loghan’s room I can hear arguing and moaning from our room over space and sometimes even air only the gods know and eventually I make it back to our room.

Hubby dresses Jesse whilst I chase the boys to the bathroom to brush teeth, this leads to arguments about toothpaste and bathroom space of course and then I get dressed, throw my hair up in a bun and attempt to look at least half professional, we make the bed whilst clambering over clothing and even kiddos wrapped in stolen blankets and pillows from the very bed we are trying to make...

I rush them downstairs and already arguments over the tv have begun oh and breakfast as they never want the same thing… I have taken to turns now that’s rational right you dictate the one day and you the next and so forth… eh it works it’s my fault I insist on a full breakfast every morning, I promise my kids do not rule the roost...

I throw lunches in the bags and already there are arguments and urges for mommy interference…be still minions I am yet to have my morning coffee, I proceed to make breakfast even for Jesse and sometimes hubby although why I make Jess breakfast I will never know usually it just gets pulled apart and left on the plate but anyhoo I do it anyway, at least the rats will have left overs to snack on which they love especially when its is jam and cheese.

Hubby comes down from getting ready I glance at the clock… shit we are late, I start rushing around trying to make our place look presentable cause you never know when the queen will come for tea right….

I drive the kids out the door along with wails about needing blankets and lost left shoes, I remember that one has no shoes on, thank earth for that; once I only remembered when we got to the school.

The arguments and wails persist as we drive, I drop Jesse who suddenly feels the need to cling to me for dear life (when I fetch him however…), we then climb back into the car, more arguments, name calling and can’t you two just get along from my side.

I remind the kids to behave, to remember their homework and extra murals which usually falls on deaf ears…

We get to the school hopefully early so Gabriel has some play time cause gods forbid that doesn’t happen oh my, oh and so I can get a parking spot that doesn’t involve walking a few blocks, I walk in amongst the sea of other parents who look so much more put together than I do and spend a good 15 minutes saying goodbye before rushing back into the car only to sit in traffic for an hour and realise half way someone has left something behind in the car.

I watch the clock at work eager to go home and be with my family… I sit in traffic for another 40 minutes I race between 2 or 3 places dependant on who is with me that week.

We clamour out of the car at home, they fight over the post but conveniently forget to carry their bags, I start cooking strait away because everyone is STARVING, I try to clean pack bags etc whilst navigating hungry cats and playing monkeys, the kids are now even more starving and starting to turn on each other like ravenous wolves irritating and teasing each other to what end I am still not sure.

I feed the zoo we call our pets, my female cat looks at me with disgust as I pour the pellets into her bowl whilst our male cat races in half spilling its contents everywhere, the hedgehog peeks at me but goes back to sleep and the rats run to see if there is any fruit or bread on the menu for the evening as its their favourite.

My hubby comes home yay bath time… I get 20 minutes of down time I pack lunches and watch youtube whilst hubby tries to wrangle and navigate 3 monkeys in and out of the bathroom (very entertaining), did you clean your face… yes… why is the soap dry… because I dried it… uhm no, everyone filters down stairs we choose a movie because no one can decide together, I serve supper… silence for half an hour well aside from Jesse who now wants us to feed him… where that came from I do not know… we wash dishes which are never ending, give them juice their meds and of course more food because they are once again STARVING… I run my older two upstairs, get their evening treat laptop movies set up tuck them in a million times run up and down for more juice and a fruit because again they are STARVING… more kisses… more loves, sometimes even a story.

I run a bath whilst tossing clothing left right and centre into bags onto hangers and into the hampers as I go because washing never ends either with 3 monkeys and a husband, hubby sits with Jess downstairs they watch spiderman…. AGAIN, I soak in the bath well attempt to with all the thoughts of day and the next running through my head.

Done and dusted go downstairs toss the washing into the machine switch that on, attempt to tidy further, fold dry washing, maybe prep the next nights supper… hopefully there is a cup of coffee waiting and then finally I settle down on the couch for the evening only to get up half an hour later to switch off laptops if the boys are still up say more goodnights…fall back onto the couch, hubby puts on a movie which I will probably not see the end of we discuss our day at work you know adult relationship stuff and eventually I get into bed only to start all over the next day… 

I wouldn't have it any other way and that's the honest truth =)

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