Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Randomness...single mums and updates

My hubby has been in the uk for a week now and I have to be honest when he left I was screaming inside, I honestly didn't know if I was going to cope with everything else that has been going on in our lives, but I have to admit as much as missing him hurts and being away from him is terrible, as a mom I think I'm doing ok, its been rather nice having my kids to my self although I will say when hubby gets back I think a bubble bath and a glass of wine with a side of book reading is in order, but other than that we are all alive the house is clean and everything has gone according to routine.

I have so much respect for single moms I really do, its not the same as having your partner go away but having to navigate everything on your own ALL day with not even a 5 minute pee break to yourself, wow just wow, single moms are just incredible and I think every one of you deserve a frikken glass of wine the size of a small country =)

On the other hand it has been nice like I said having my babies to myself, taking them out on my own is quite daunting normally I try work around having to take all 3 out on my own its not that I cant I'm just always so scared that my eyes cannot be on them all the time, I remember once when Jesse was still a newborn I took them all out and Loghan got a bee in his bonnet and ran I promise you Gabriel in the one hand, Jesse in the sling I sprinted after him it was incredibly scary and I hope to never go through that again.

The school term is ended, we have an appointment for Loghan next week and will hopefully start the process of re evaluation and getting the help we need, we have had to make some very non conventional adjustments at home that are going to take some getting used to as well but everyday closer to Loghans app is one day closer to the help we need and I am grateful for that.

I will definitely post a better update once we are more clear about where we stand and where we are going.

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