Monday 29 February 2016

What I like about my life right now #ZombiePrompts

I looked at the post for this week and was like you have got to be kidding me, our life is a literal shit storm right now but ok i shall play this game oh the irony ha ha...

Ok pity party over lets get serious, despite what has happened I am still incredibly blessed, my kids are all healthy, we have a roof over our heads and always mange to put food on the table, we have an incredible support system by way of family, work family and our very small but precious circle of friend but barring all those amazing blessings what I like most about my life right now is how my feelings and views on motherhood have changed and matured...

This is going to sound odd but even though I always wanted to be a mom more than anything, when I became a mom I knew I was a mom but always still felt like I was standing outside my body as a mother, I love and always have loved my kids and tried to give them all the love and care I possibly can but I think the past year or so has just... I don't know I just feel more at home with the term mom than I ever have and my love and admiration for my kids and the awe and understanding that has developed between us as a complete family... am I making any sense at all, maybe not, in my head it all sounds right.

I suppose that despite us going through a difficult time financially and emotionally as a family we are at our happiest and I love that.

This post theme is a great way to show you what you truly have in your life and I am really happy that in the end I decided to sit down and doing, short and sweet life is amazing despite its challenges.

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