Monday 11 January 2016

What DIY projects are on your spring to-do list?

Its week no 2 in the 52 week blogging challenge that I saw over on Mama Zombie Mumbles and this week’s topic is something I have actually had in the pipeline for quite a while but have not been financially able to achieve, however I hope that by this coming spring we should have everything in place and will be able to do it in the way I want to.

My DIY project for this year is to create a veggie garden.

Let’s face it food is just getting ever more expensive, and finding decent and fresh produce that is free from pesticides and chemicals is almost impossible unless you go to woolworths or a farmers market which are not exactly just down the road (market)

As I said in a previous post I am trying to go the way of at least a partial (only fish) vegetarian diet and I feel this project will really help me on that path.

Anyhoo so this past spring I got it into my mind to build our own veggie area as we only have paving in our back yard and to get the boys to help, in short I wanted to make it a fun family project that would also help to teach the boys at the same time.

Not only will it teach them how to grow and look after their garden, but it also helps to teach about food wastage and is very rewarding when they get to harvest the veggies and then eat them, so we were all very excited.

We had a deck in our backyard that was falling apart so we decided to use the wood from that to create the box and set out the following Saturday morning to do so, unfortunately we didn’t have the correct screws and such and after a full hot day of frustration in the sun we were finished to the point our resources would allow.

Slowly but surely my plan leading up until spring is to get the box finished, purchase the soil and purchase our seeds… I have so many plans of what I would like to grow and it is going to be tough narrowing it down to the few our space will allow for, but I cannot wait and look forward to fresh amazing veggies that won’t cost me an arm and a leg in the long run.

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