Sunday 4 January 2015

Happy 2015

So we are finally in 2015, what a relief a new year has come.

2014 wasnt a bad year there were many great things that happened:

Loghan completed Grade 1
Loghans medication dose was lowered
Jesse turned 1
We bought and moved into our home
Hubby and I celebrated 2 years of marriage
I am pain free thanks to my surgery

There were a few curve balls some ups and downs and plenty of tears but for the most part it was a great year.

This year is off to a bit of a crazy start; Jesse has his pre- op appointment tomorrow and then his surgery is scheduled for Friday.... my nerves are finished lets just put it that way, I just hope and pray to the Gods that everything goes smoothly and that this will resolve all the issues we have been having with him, on a side note he is walking more and more now on his own only short distances but he can and that's what matters- he takes great delight in seeing us cheer and clap when he does but he is so smart he only does it when he has to otherwise he prefers with obvious reason to be carried around and being my husbands 1st he is more than happy to do so which at times can be a bit annoying because I know from experience that it is not good in the long run but anyhoo we take one day at a time I suppose.

I just want to take this time to wish everyone a happy new your may this year be rich with blessings, love and joy, may your tears be ones of happiness not sadness and may all your goals be reached and dreams be accomplished.

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